Tuesday, May 8, 2007


So I talked and talked about homie's organic pizza but I've gotta say - that was one damn good pizza. After consuming the pizza I sat down and watched Sin City for a 4th or 5th time...what a piece of work that movie is. Revolutionary in vision and style - just like the damn comic/graphic novel. Clive Owen is a favorite in that, as is Mickey Rourke....and Jessica Alba. Where is Benicio Del Toro? I haven't seen him in anything in ages. Great actor but missed. I was watching "The Daily 10" on E! before I threw on Sin City and apparently, if Robert Rodriguez signs on, Sin City 2 will start filming this summer. Dope. I'm not sure this will be much of a post and it's hard to top the ramblings of the last one. Still haven't seen SpiderMan 3...wah. It probably made another ba-zillion dollars today. Somebody's getting rich and it's not me. Just as a disclaimer - I write these non-stop...literally, non-stop...whatever pops into my head is what ends up on the page. Welcome to my little world. Would you care for a vodka and orange pineapple banana juice? Delicious. I forgot to watch Heroes last night, was too busy creating something, too busy with other stuff on my mind. Whatitdoo...whatitdoo? Damn, I really gotta sign off here as it approaches the 11 o'clock hour. Gotta be up early...jump into the shiny clean Passat and head into work. Maybe I'll try getting up early and....maybe not. Damn me and my 6:08am internal alarm clock. Annoying already, knock it off. This post has been brought to you by the makers of Ambien.....no it has not. Got any apple juice? I'm out...

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